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Bodyweight lunges#495


My left toes hurt when doing it. So i felt in my toes not my thighs or groin muscles which i think is hip flexors, anyway, i was wondeing if im doing something wrong in form, or that my toes have a problem
Edit: i did this with right toes back and felt it in my upper half of my legs, was this because of more leg being fruther spread back

a year ago

Hey hey disneylover,
How much pressure there is on the back foot’s toes does depend a little bit on how long your stride is, as well as what your motion looks like

If you are lunging forward more (as you’re meant to with lunges), you’ll have less pressure on your back foot as most of your weight is on your front leg, but if you’re doing more of a split squat where you more equally spread the pressure between your legs and more-so just go up and down rather than down and forward, you might feel your back toes more

In terms of what to do about it:
1) Seeing as you were able to adjust your stance and alleviate the issue that way, I’d take that as your first action, just try to make the stance as comfortable as possible

2) In case that doesn’t work you kinda have 2 options
a) as a workaround, you can do bulgarian split squats instead, that eliminates that sort of pressure on your toes and might allow you to do a very similar motion without that hindrance

b) as a more long-term solution, gradually build up your toes tolerance to the position (footwear can also help assist your toes and make it more comfortable)

These regressions here might be useful in that endeavour:

All the best :)

a year ago

Lunges don’t feature in Hybrid routine 2.0, so when do you suggest they be incorporated? I can do full deep lunges as I’m used to doing them weighted. I ask as I feel they would help with my single leg strength to progress to single leg pistol squats. Thank you :-)

a year ago

Hey Anni!
Some links first and foremost in case they’re useful:
Lunges: (Progressions and Tutorial)
How to implement stuff in the routine in general:

And how I’d incorporate them in routine is simply by doing them on the same day you do squats - either as a replacement or an addition, depending on how well you recover and what variation you’re on!

You wouldn’t really need the lunges in addition to already semi-unilateral movements after all, though it could still be useful as a bit of an addition after those to add some additional (more stable) volume, in which case I’d really just do 1-2 sets of them

Bulgarian Split Squats are also a good option other than lunges for building up the necessary strength :)

a year ago

Awesome! So good to see the tutorial for the deep lunge having knees going over the toes - many benefits of that movement which many fitness professionals are not aware. So much quality information here, I apologise for not finding the info before asking my question. I’m used to doing my own plans so will add in the lunges and Bulgarians. Many thanks :-)

a year ago

Absolutely no need to apologise!

I’m always happy to help :)

a year ago