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Pushup progressions.#703

I used to not be able to do a single push-up but I finally today can do 10 pushups. The issue is, I have been testing out different variants such as negative and drop set pushups but I am still stuck at 10 push-ups. I also have trouble breathing during push-ups. Any tips?

10 months ago

Let me just make sure we’re on the same page:

You used to not be able to do a single pushup
Today you managed to do 10 pushups for the first time! (congratulations!)

Now you say you’re stuck at 10 pushups - even though you only achieved it today? I’m confused about that part

Also trouble breathing:
Breathe out on the way up, breathe in on the way down
If you feel like you can’t get enough air, it could be that your cardio needs a bit of improving! See this if you’re interested

Otherwise just keep practicing - it sounds like you’re making progress so far so I don’t see why there should be anything very wrong :)

10 months ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
10 months ago

No, I have been stuck on 10 push-ups for months.

10 months ago

I see - Are you making sure to push yourself during your sets? Eating and sleeping well? Are other things progressing? :)

10 months ago

I’ll try to push myself. Do you have any type of foods you recommend eating?

10 months ago

It’s really gonna be moreso about the whole picture of your diet

As a quick checklist:

  • Plenty of protein (0.7+g of protein/lbs of body weight a day)
  • Enough calories to meet your goal (a deficit of ~250-500 to lose weight, eating at maintenance to maintain weight, or a surplus of 200-300 calories to best gain weight/muscle)
  • Eating mostly whole foods that give you the fats and vitamins/minerals you need!
  • Drinking enough water :)

Just think vegetables, legumes, meat, dairy, eggs, grains, fish, fruit, seeds, nuts, etc.

Eating things like pastries or chips isn’t inherently bad either; it usually just lacks a lot of the nutrients you want while giving you more calories/fills you up more - they can very often make sense to keep around in your diet for enjoyment reasons and to give you some extra calories if you need them! It’s just good to be aware of what serves which purpose :)

I hope that helps!

9 months ago