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Jackknife Pullups form#714

Hi Lars, I’ve just started practicing jackknife pullups using a chair like Hampton does in his videos. I’ve got two questions:

  1. My current max number of reps in one set is 15, but I can only do the first ten or so reps with good form and after that my form deteriorates fast. The last rep I can only do 70-80% of the pullup due to exhaustion. Is it better to stop the set after the last rep with good form and then start the next set after a break? Or is it fine to do reps until failure even if the last couple of reps are not 100% ROM.

  2. I’m not sure if my form is correct. When descending, do I relax my core and let my butt go as close to the ground as possible, making my upper body as vertical as possible, or do I keep the core under tension the whole time without relaxing? Here’s a link to my latest video on YT where I’m doing jackknife pullups. Any tips on how I can improve my form? Thx so much!

9 months ago

I love that you’re already addressing me in your question haha! Heya :)

The way you’re doing it looks fine to me really; whether or not your core is tense of loose is not really too important - just aim to control the negative all the way down to your arms extended overhead (which you mostly are doing a good job of!)

Towards the end you definitely are rowing more than you’d wanna be and reaching with your neck to “get up”

I’d say you wanna stop your set at around 1:10, that last rep there was already a bit “wonky” but still acceptable - but it’s no huge deal if you keep going either

I have an alternative exercise suggestion for you if you wanted to give it a try! It would eliminate the worries of range of motion and even closer resemble a pullup; though you do also need to self-regulate it more

It would be to do leg assisted pullups, but in the way that your legs are on the floor and you’re going down in a squat like pattern, feet slightly in front of you (so that they don’t get in your way when going down), and then you simply basically do pullups but assisting yourself with your legs as much as you need to

You’d then progress this by over time using less leg assistance - potentially even using your legs to help you pull up but then lifting them and doing negative pullups on your way down

But that’s another option to try and see if you’d prefer it :) (I do personally, that’s why I mentioned it haha)

Otherwise - keep up the good work! Nice ankle mobility on the ATG split squats btw!

9 months ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
9 months ago

Wow, thanks a lot for this thorough reply! You just made my day! I’ll definitely give the pullup variation a try! It sounds like it will be a bit harder than the jackknife pullup. Do I hang the rings high enough so that my body is close to a half squat position or closer to a full squat with arms extended (in case it makes any difference)? Thanks again, really appreciate all your input!

9 months ago

You’ll want the rings to be at a height so that you can comfortably fully extend your arms at the bottom position (so your butt enough above the floor without you touching it) and not too high so that you can still support yourself with your legs all the way to the top :)

It is harder since it’s pretty much purely vertical, but it can also be easier since well your legs can take a lot of the weight!

9 months ago