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Lower back and hand position#750

hello, In all the push up variations should we keep the lower back neutral naturally or intentionally do posterior pelvic tilt ? Also is it ok to keep my arms slightly wider than shoulder width or need to keep it exactly shoulder width?

8 months ago

I’d aim for an intentional posterior pelvic tilt! And yeah it’s to tally okay to keep your arms slightly wider, just be sure to not have them so wide that your elbows flare out completely to the side, as that tends to be a weaker position that many people aren’t prepared for and thus causes them issues (while also not really offering any benefit over being flared ~45° out)


8 months ago
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8 months ago

thank you..often it is advised to retract scapula at the bottom and protract at the top..thing is during protraction , is it normal for the upper back to round at the top to fully protract the shoulders or neutral spine is better? When I force the protraction , my shoulders elevate towards my neck like in a shrug..Need your suggestion on this :)

8 months ago

It can round a little bit as you protract yes but it really doesn’t have to - and your shoulders shouldn’t really elevate greatly as you do so either, so perhaps you’re trying to accentuate the movement a bit more than you’d really need to!

I’d aim to stay neutral + not have too much elevation

8 months ago

tqsm:) do I need to maintain same posterior pelvic tilt in the horizontal pull ups as well and maintain neutral spine ? or should extend the spine at the top while retraction?

8 months ago

In a horizontal pull you don’t have to worry about posterior pelvic tilt, there just aim to keep it neutral and yes do feel free to extend your thoracic spine specifically slightly at the top to aid retraction!

8 months ago

Thanks brother..Yours tips are always helpful..I am progressing pretty good in the movements..

8 months ago
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8 months ago